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16 how to reduce the ammonia in the chicken house?

welcome to the website devoted to livestock around the chicken,
have not been updated on this blog, because I am very busy with daily work,
OK let's proceed to the discussion about how to reduce the smell which is always a problem in poultry.

So do not is considered trivial if chicken house had bad smell, because smell chicken house would disturb the environment.

So the steps that must be undertaken to reduce smell in the causes of ammonia that is in the house, because of excessive ammonia will harm the health chicken

what should be undertaken to reduce the ammonia that is in the chicken house?
First: check drinking water, if drinking water in over consumption, it will cause a lot of chickens will drink

if chicken consume water excessively, then that will happen is, rice husk that is in chicken house will be wet,

Well if the water content in the rice husk over, the ammonia in the rice husk will rise, because of the wet rice husk will trigger a bacteria that will harm the health of chicken in the cage.

The second step:
Check the chicken meal that is consumed, whether decent meal in the consumption or not?
check to the laboratory if chicken feed is stored more than 2 weeks.
because if meal chicken in the store more than 2 weeks, there is fear will lead to mold the content of these foods.

Step three:
Check the existing ammonia content in the rice husk, which at the recommended ammonia content is not greater than 25 ppm, if the ammonia content in the house exceeds 25 ppm, preferably replace the rice husk are soaked with a new rice husk,

Because if the rice husk is not replaced, then the chicken in the house will be exposed to respiratory diseases in causes by excessive ammonia content.

so you must be careful when wet rice husk,
I think that was enough, got here the discussion about reducing the content of ammonia in the house,
and will be forwarded at a later occasion,
wait for the next update is still in discussion poultry farm
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5 How to improve the profitability

  • Reduce the cost of production ..............HOW?
  • Improve the livability, body weigh & FCR by:
  • Dedicated planning
  • Sound management practices
  • keep disease out?
  • Stop disease before the strike?
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1 Current situation in poultry industry

Current situation in poultry industry...
  • High feed, medicine and vaccine cost
  • Result in, High cost of production
  • But, selling at low price
  • finally
  • >>>> Low margin for the producer
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1 objective of pultry disease site

To improve the technical knowledge
To improve the farm management
To improve the biosecurity of the farm
to control poultry disease
to produce quality meat at competitive price
to improve the productivity of the farm
To make the farmer self sufficient.
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8 salmonela pullorum part 2


the newly hatched chicks wich die from the disease may not show any gross lesion, some of them may show haemorrhagic streak on normally yellowish liver of a newly hatched chick. the chick, which die later, may show greyish necrotic spots of 1 to 2 mm size in the liver; rised, white spot on heart (pericarditis) and spleen.
The caeca may have semi sholid, cheesy material (cores) inside. Unabsorbed an cangulated egg-yolk in another important lesion.

For the test:
the wing vein of the bird is punctured and blood is taken on a platinum loop of 3/16 in diam, (about 0.02 ml of blood) one drop of antigen.

which is placed ready on the clean glass-plate is mixed with teh blood in the bacteriological loop.

Both are mixed by rotating the glass-slide for about 2 minutes. in positive cases clumps of antigen will be seen. Te reacrion is graded as below:

++++: Imediate clumping on mixing: large clumps in coloured fluid are seen.
+++: clump are seen within 1 1/2 to 2min. but clumps are large as above.
++: fine clumps in colourless fluid
+: fine clumps in slightly coloured fluid.

The test should not be done at temperature below 23.5c . otherwise it should be done at 37.5 celcius in an incubator.

the test can be done at the poultry farm.

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1 Poultry Disease

  1. Disease in an alteration of the body or body organs which interrupts the body's function
  2. Disease often results from a combination of two or more causes
  • indirect or predisposing factors- lower the birds rersistance 
  • direct or determining factors which produce the actual disease
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